Classification of Color

1.     Primary Color
2.     Secondary Color
3.     Tertiary Color

*  About Primary Color
The world is decorated with only three colors by Allah Almighty. Wondering what to think? Surprisingly, it is true that the primary or basic color of this world is only three:

1.     Red

2.     Yellow

3.     Blue

Yes !! These three colors are the basic colors in the colors we have on earth. Apart from these three colors, we see more and more colors that come from these colors. Maybe many people are wondering if it is possible to know how it is generated or not !! I will try to discuss everything one at a time. More elaborate discussions will be put forward.


          About Secondary Color
         Secondary Color is a combination of the above three basic colors and three
         more colors are produced

1.     Orange ( Red 50% + Yellow 50% = Orange )
2.     Green ( Yellow 50% + Blue 50%  = Green )
3.     Purple ( Blue 50% + Red 50%  = Purple )

That is, the secondary color that produces three colors that are equal to the basic color.

         *About Tertiary Color
Now let's come to Tertiary Color. So far we have identified six colors. Now if we look at this 6-color circle and mix these six colors in the same way as the fire again, we get six more colors. These six colors are Tertiary Color. Please note the following image to understand better:

Note that between six colors and six more colors have been generated. & it is:

1. Vermilion (Red 50% + Orange 50% = Vermilion)
2. Amber (Orange 50% + Yellow 50% = Amber)
3. Chartreuse (Yellow 50% + Green 50% = Chartreuse)
4. Teal or Cyan (Green 50% + Blue 50% = Teal or Cyan)
5. Violet (Blue 50% + Purple 50% = Violet)
6.Magenta (Purple 50% + Red 50% = Magenta)

Thus, in the mixture of Secondary and Primary colors, there are six more colors. That's Tertiary Color.

·      More Color Discussion

Now let's talk about Tints Color, Shades Color and  Tones Color And by learning these Classifications, you will know how to make thousands of colors.

How to make thousands of colors? Part one will be discussed in this episode.

   * What is Tints Color
If a color is added to it to increase its brightness, after adding white it is called Tints Color.

     * What is Shade Color
If color brightness is reduced little by little, add the black color is the color that will be generated. It's called Shades Color.

     * What is Tone Color
Tones at the Shades of color are similar, with a color that gradually adds Gray Color that will be generated. It’s called Tone Color.

* On the basis of the color temperature can be divided into two parts.

1. Cool Color
2. Hot or Warm Color

          * Color Mode


·         What is RBG Color Mode:
     R – Meaning = Red Color, G- Meaning = Green Color, B – Meaning = Blue color, The color of the web is on 3 channels. Where red, green and blue colors are used. The color of the web is a little brighter. RGB Mode is the only way to work when you design something based on the web. For example, web templates, wallpapers, animations, etc. That means it will be displayed on the web or on the monitor or on the mobile screen and will not be printed. You have to work with RGB mode when designing such.

·        What is CMYK Color Mode :
C- Meaning = Cyan Color, M-Meaning = Magenta Color, Y-Meaning = Yellow Color, K-Meaning = Black Color.
If you are planning to print design, namely a logo, brochure, banner, handbill, business card, flair, then you need to work with CMYK on your design. Because the color of the print is a bit deep,

ie it is not as focused or bright as the web color. If you want the color of your print the way it is designed, then you must work on selecting CMYK mood when designing.
·      What is Grayscale Color Mode:
The name Grayscale means white and black. Yes. If you want something easy to do in white and black then take your design mood to Grayscale.

What HSU in Color Palette

1.     Hue

2.     Saturation

3.     Brightness

  Things to keep in mind that color psychology

1.     What is color psychology? And what are the requirements?

2.     Does color's behavior or any color make sense?

3.     What color to use for any type of design?

4.     How to use Color Contrast?

5.     Types of color use individually.

6.     For which country does using a color provided good feedback?

The first thing that comes to our mind is, Why the psychology again in color?

Yes. There is a need for psychology. We need to make your design more attractive and adaptable.

You have to design a particular color without thinking about the thoughts, desires, likes and dislikes of the people of the world. Only then can you reach your desired goals with your designs.

For those of you or the subject you want to design, some research on color selection is required, which involves color psychology. In view of this,

 it can be seen that

- Color Contrast
- Color Usability
- Color Meaning
- Color Accessibility
- Color Symbolism
- Color Gender 
- Color Age


Finally, I can tell you, the color of graphic design is important to have the skills you need, then you will be an interesting and acceptable Design.

 Thanks for Watching my Blog.